Comments from Smeagalification

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-07 06:37:13 Family Vacation Chapter 1_(1) I didn't steal this story from anyone this is my own work. I posted this story under 2 other names that were deleted because I didn't know what I did wrong but they finally accepted my last account. Btw the accounts were Sh@ggy and Sm3agal. They are both me
2013-04-13 02:14:46 Family Vacation Chapter 1_(1) I am Afrikaans mostly so I didn't know the difference between the cousin and niece/nephew thing. I apologize for the confusion
2013-04-17 02:17:42 The Girl Next Door Chapter 2 The Lake House Thanx for all the support from my readers I am really glad you are enjoying my stories.
2013-04-17 15:43:25 My Best Friend, Amelia Brilliant story i really enjoyed it... almosy cried it was soo good. Keep up the good work mate
2013-04-19 07:44:01 I Was a Virgin Nymphomaniac Not a bad story all in all.. I like how the girl took the first step... usually that never happens