Comments from catsteve123

Date Story title Comment
2013-05-02 17:01:06 Sara's Awakening Part 4 If all goes well I should have it out later today or tomorrow at the latest
2013-05-05 20:26:22 Sara's Awakening Part 5 Next part will be out very soon I promise. Thanks to everyone who has left an awesome comment. Feel free to send me a message here anytime :)
2013-07-15 03:35:15 Twincest Sabrina and Katrina's Story_(1) A couple of whoops e's in this. First it's supposed to show at the bottom that this is just part 1 of the story. There will be more later. Also in the into "there" is supposed to be "their" and although I'm sure there are more grammatical errors I hate when there is a big one right in the beginning. Otherwise I hope you all enjoy!
2013-07-15 03:36:21 Twincest Sabrina and Katrina's Story_(1) Ugh "into" is "intro" not my day I suppose...
2013-07-15 19:45:32 Twincest Sabrina and Katrina's Story_(1) Hopefully here in a few days. I've got it all written up but I still need to go through and edit. So it depends alot on how busy I am. But I'm very happy with the reception its gotten so far which always pushes me to get off my butt and get it done.