Comments from Panther68

Date Story title Comment
2013-06-25 07:05:44 Sis Comes Home For Memorial Day - Part III Yes, I apologize for that. More stuff came up which ate up most of my weekend. Part IV has been posted
2014-01-17 14:53:58 Senior Year - Parts 3, 4, 5, & 6 A reader has pointed out he was confused about a few things after reading parts 1 & 2. The story was meant to be read in it's entirety. For those who have read it all due you think I should have split the post after part 3? Now that we can edit posts, I can change that. Would like your opinions.

I hope you all have enjoyed it.
2014-01-17 14:52:45 Senior Year - Parts 3, 4, 5, & 6 A reader has pointed out he was confused about a few things after reading parts 1 & 2. The story was meant to be read in it's entirety. For those who have read it all due you think I should have split the post after part 3? Now that we can edit posts, I can change that. Would like your opinions.

I hope you all have enjoyed it.
2014-01-17 14:14:15 Senior Year - Parts 1 & 2 I think it may be because I had to split the storydue to the length....if you read the rest it should make sense that it wasn't David she was expecting that night. Maybe if i had split after part 3 things would have made sense. My that we can edit our posts I might fix that if others agree
2014-06-03 13:33:52 Sis Comes Home for For Memorial Day A Year Later - Part 1 Thanks for being a fan of the series. I know many are looking forward to when Amy joins Melissa and Shawn finally. I still have some subplot to lay out that will effect the overall story before I get to that. Some readers don't want to see the 3 of them get together but I think I have a long term solution that might make everyone happy.