Comments from BigGuy97

Date Story title Comment
2014-05-02 22:27:31 Sharing a room with sister, ALTERNATE VERSION Thank you Puppetmaster for the constructive criticism, I will certainly take what you have said into account! However, people do make mistakes when writing, and the erection part was simply because I had started it and then picked it up mid-sentence so I guess I just got a bit mixed up.
2014-05-14 03:42:42 Sharing a room with sister, ALTERNATE VERSION I think I might just murder the next person to spam comment on my FUCKING STORY. Thank you.
2014-05-14 04:02:19 Sharing a room with sister, ALTERNATE VERSION Just so everyone knows i'm quite busy right now with finals and such so I probably won't post a new story for around a month. But I really will try to find the time to keep writing the next one so don't worry I AM planning on writing another chapter to this story!