Comments from SquattingEagle

Date Story title Comment
2016-03-30 16:05:53 My Sister's Habit @ Anonymous reader 2016-03-30 15:13:07
Sounds like you should write a true story, lucky bastard!

@all the haters below: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Please. I'm sure that whatever he/she meant to write was just to show his/her appreciation of my story (or at least that's how I choose to interpret it).

To the everyone who enjoyed this story, thank you all!!

2016-05-12 22:31:14 Practical Jokes_(1) @Anonymous reader 2016-05-04 21:34:35

Thank you, and Happy anniversary!

Your comment is perhaps the biggest compliment I've ever received. Although I don't recommend starting a romantic relationship with your relatives, I'm glad the two of you have found love and happiness together.
2017-05-08 21:18:03 Grandma's Secret Thank you all for your kind comments and votes. It's for people like you I write these stories.
This one I had lying around unfinished for a long time, I'm glad I got to finishing it now for you to enjoy.

2019-01-26 16:49:47 My Little Medicine Thank you all for all your positive votes, comments and messages. It is your huge appreciation of my stories that keeps me posting them on this site. You might also like to know that, although there will be no sequel to this story, I've got a lot of other stories that are still awaiting completion, so keep an eye out for more.
2019-07-29 17:35:16 Sheepshaggin' @Tina_Kerr_36 2019-07-24 02:44:01

Thank you, it's an honor to receive such a compliment from a truly talented writer like you, It is only after countless hours of polishing and rewriting that I dare post my stories here, and reading that they are so well received makes it more than worthwhile.

Thank you Tina, and thank you everyone else who likes my stories.
