Comments from Catmandue53

Date Story title Comment
2013-08-25 00:01:55 camp rape and revenge A good story, I quite enjoyed it. Write some more for us eh?
2013-09-17 15:44:05 House Girl X- Mongolia Another wonderful read!
2013-09-17 15:55:52 House Girl XI-Conclusion Ah... so the series ends.

I will miss it tremendously, but I did enjoy it immensely.

I also enjoyed the hell out of the "Pipe Crew" series as well. You've got a lot of talent, keep writing!
2013-09-17 19:55:11 The Babysitter Diary-Concluded Heh, heh... I love all the comment you are getting to continue your story arcs further than you have. I have to admit I would be very happy if you did!

Keep up the great work!
2013-09-17 19:55:49 The Babysitter Diary-Concluded The post below this one was from me; I didn't know I had timed out on my login.