2016-12-04 03:26:54 |
My daddy and me 3
Ok, this was that last thing I expected to read, Big Daddy, I have sent a screen shot of this to my cowriter and we both agree that your words are greatly greatly appreciated!! Bit mahalo to you from the both of us!! |
2016-12-04 02:19:00 |
Such is Life 12
To all of you who are giving me feedback, THANK YOU!! You're the reason I strive to be better!!! |
2016-09-18 06:22:54 |
Allison 1
To the anonymous who said I should find another venue, no thanks, I like this one here, apparently only read one chapter and that was it. |
2016-09-18 06:26:20 |
Allison 1
I figure there will be critics that will not be happy with much of anything at all, in other chapters of this same story, I'm told that there is too much sex, and now I'm being told that there isn't much. I will continue to write and post to this site regardless, to those who actually gave constructive criticisms and my fans, thank you for your support! |
2017-01-17 12:02:07 |
Jessica's Discovery
This story was amazing! Great job!! |