Comments from Hyghlander
Date | Story title | Comment |
2014-06-12 04:19:50 | Depraved housewife | I would say do it. U might just like it. |
2014-05-12 19:53:59 | Introduction To A New World | I have to agree with some of the comments, the tags would have helped. I personally don't like to read about gays or under aged kids. On a side note I will say the story had good merit in the writing of it, It was pretty good all the way around. I did give you a positive rating. But like I said I don't like to read about gays and little boys, that is gross. To continue the story that is up to you not us readers. To the anonymous readers if you don't have the guts to log in to this site and give your honest opinion then don't give any opinion at all, you are cowards in my book by posting under ANONYMOUS READER. |
2014-05-12 19:58:08 | Introduction To A New World | Hyghlander 2014-05-12 19:53:59 Anonymous reader 2014-05-12 19:53:13 Both of these were posted by me, for some reason I was logged off out of the site. So I had to log back in and post it again. |
2014-05-17 06:31:09 | Mind slave for fun | it was good it could have been better. i'll give it a 6.5 also. |