Comments from Ghost 91

Date Story title Comment
2015-05-12 09:26:49 A New Day, A New You part 12 Anon ghost i totally fuckin agree plus that has to be one of the best plot twist mind fuck ive ever read awesome poi just awesome now part 13 can be unlucky for some but not for you
2015-09-15 21:20:55 A New Day, A New You part 15 Poi wow that had everything i want in a chapter but how are you going to make the last partbetter than this
2015-09-16 16:50:56 A New Day, A New You part 15 Quick question how is stu going to handle his shit when he finds out that Caitlin told guy
2015-09-26 00:31:14 A New Day, A New You part 15 Hey poi as i type this am not able to pm you for some unknown reason the page loads but the reply box dosent am sorry if this has cause any offence to you by not replying to your last pm
2015-10-03 00:47:17 A New Day, A New You part 15 Hey poi the type box is back to not reloading i think it mite have something to do with my net connetion cause my service provider is installing 4g in to their towers so its going to be a 50/50 chance of it loading and sry about it but i will pm as soon as i can