Comments from DamienHunter

Date Story title Comment
2014-03-03 23:13:20 The Mummy_(0) The first story I posted, and none of you horny barsterds have bothered to comment??
2014-02-21 23:32:00 THE LUCKY BABYSITTER: Corrected version First time: you destroyed spelling forever.
Second time: WHOOOHOOO!!!!
Plus, I don't see why Mike didn't try and fuck her.
I'd have fucked my sister at that point.
2014-03-05 17:45:55 My Sweet Sister Sasha III Comments are welcome, spamming not so!!
2014-03-05 10:11:56 My Sweet Sister Sasha HOI!!! I WILL DISABLE COMMENTING FROM ANONS IF YOU LOT KEEP THIS UP!!!!!!!!
2014-03-05 18:20:10 My Sweet Sister Sasha III Yes, I'm eighteen now, so there are four years of this to get down, thought I won't write all of that time down.
Part four should be out in about three days.