Comments from AZMotherLover

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-14 00:37:41 Moving On_(1) Okay. I liked ObeyU86's two chapters very much. Kind of sad, but nicely done.

Norton's chapters were very weird, but I enjoyed the story.
2014-07-10 12:11:43 Master Always Knows: Part One While this kind of story doesn't turn my crank, I respect your right to write and post your fantasies here.

This is well written and deserves a positive vote.

Keep writing and don't let the idiots get you down.
2014-09-24 08:21:03 Mother has new master Wall of text with multiple typos. Might be a good story, but i couldn't read past the first few sentences.
2014-03-03 05:16:08 Daddy, no. This story is so very poorly written that you should be embarrassed, If you have any self respect, you'll delete this. Seriously.
2014-03-26 17:41:13 I Like to Watch Boys Masturbate Pt2 Part two is every bit as good as part one. Something about the strange and unusual nature of the main character's fetish just gets me... well, you know.