Comments from naenaegirl

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-14 13:57:48 Introducing my wife to dog sex_(1) all you fucking hater should shut the fuck up you knew by the title what it would entail i liked the story myself and unlike you pricks im a member
2014-10-30 19:53:49 Angel: Destroyed by Dad parts 5, 6, and End Anonymous readerReport
2014-09-09 07:28:02
Eh.... story not true to life. The thing that would have actually happened is that this woman would have been found dead with a doubletap to the head. spoken like a true man that can't stand the thought of a woman getting the best of the deal
ask my uncle about that you can find him in huntsville prision
2017-11-14 22:50:46 A Coven of Witches i like . new series?
2017-11-14 22:50:50 A Coven of Witches i like . new series?
2014-12-03 13:26:57 Once A Whore, Always A Whore | Chapter 2 feels rushed and choppy go ideas not getting the treatment they need