Comments from drinkyellow

Date Story title Comment
2015-06-27 05:42:12 Looking after Sister Pt 2 That is weird jimbo_pp as that is exactly what I had in mind. :)
2015-07-01 07:30:16 In The Barn With Brad Thanks. I enjoyed wanking while I read it.
2015-07-01 12:27:50 Jeanie's Big Boy Brilliant. I am rock hard now and all by myself. Oh well, only one thing for it. Wank time!
2015-07-08 21:41:58 Looking after sister. Pt 3 Nice that you are annoymous. If you don't like the style don't read it. Are you a fucking literary critic?!?
2015-07-08 21:44:36 Looking after sister. Pt 3 My comment at 21:41:58 is only aimed at anonymous reader 17:42:07