Comments from wally4041
Date | Story title | Comment |
2014-01-26 04:55:47 | Opening Laurie | Really do we care what the "dips" say? I read all your works and I find them nice almost "sweet and comfortable". Keep it up, good reading! |
2014-07-05 01:44:24 | Finding a Treasure at Winn-Dixie 2 | Please, there has to be more to this love story! You cannot leave us hanging like the Saturday movies ..(continued next week)...this is too good a story line!!! Really, its a real cliff hanger, please,please,please finish this up in a real syrupy good, loving, happy ending.! |
2016-01-09 00:34:12 | Alien Son Ch. 14 | This sux. . . I don't give a shit about the repetitive sex, I just wanted to know who killed the old man????????????????????????????????????????????????? |