Comments from NoPerks

Date Story title Comment
2020-12-12 06:31:27 Preacher’s Daughters Part 5 The End I'm sorry this is the end. I was looking forward to the girls and a dog.

The Dad in this story is great. He is just truly enjoying his little girls but he still cares for his wife. He is making those girls enjoy sex forever
2020-12-14 21:19:59 Swapping Cousins I always enjoy your stories! This one is no exception
2020-12-14 22:42:36 A Road Trip with My Grand Daughter-Part III I wonder if there ever was a man that actually enjoyed this much heaven. She's ready, she's ripe, she's more than willing, the whole situation is perfect
2021-01-03 00:17:51 Twins in Thialand I always enjoy your stories!
When I see one on the list, i go there immediately. Never been disappointed
2021-01-03 00:31:36 My girlfriends daughter Madison You have a good story going. There are a lot of ways you can go. I'm eager to see the next chapter