Comments from magusfang

Date Story title Comment
2014-05-14 19:35:44 Boy in the grass 56 The Wu Tang reference was intentional, there are quite a few little easter egg type references. Some fairly obvious and some much more esoteric. When I finnish the book, I'll add one more chapter to let you know where they are.
2014-06-06 02:45:17 Going Home Oops, sorry about the Max thing, I was just writing girls in the grass
2014-05-18 16:25:34 Boy in the grass 58 Samantha said Tali died, Jazz just nodded because she didn't want to talkabout it
2014-05-19 04:14:06 Boy in the grass 58 Aww, I was going to make Tali the mastermind behind the whole slave ring....what, too big a stretch?
2016-12-22 13:41:31 Girls Who Wear Glasses_(0) had to move the In The Grass trilogy because of the age rules here. wasn't pedo but they were high school students when they got together so not quite 18.
can read it here: