Comments from robmac123

Date Story title Comment
2015-02-06 02:49:16 Broken Bliss Ch1 Great... :)
2015-02-06 15:22:46 A Family's Unwanted Sexual Awakening part 2 (see the rewrite for the begining) I would love to see another re-write where the "Man" leaves a large container of "Lustiqox" and a big box of Dildos with instructions to go around the country and infect as many adult people as possible... The "Man" has a private foundation that pays for their expenses if they continue with the "Lustiqox Project"... We would follow them and hear their continued stories...
2015-02-06 15:40:54 Broken Bliss CH 2 Very good...
2015-02-06 16:26:26 Broken Bliss CH 4 Thanks...
2015-02-06 16:57:37 Broken Bliss CH 5 Wonderful...