Comments from Railfan1984

Date Story title Comment
2014-04-02 23:27:18 Finding Love Along the Tracks Chapter 9 - Williams Sorrow To the Anonymous Reader in the previous comment:

While the characters of "William" and "Danielle" do seem to be the same people in my other series "Adventures of a Railfan Chapter 1- Danielle," I want to make it clear that these two characters in this series are most definitely not the same from my other series. I only borrowed the names from "Adventures of a Railfan" because I could not think of any other good names on a whim, like I usually do when I introduce a new character. While I do admit that the events that happen to the Danielle in this series are based on the real person, this is only to further their character development, and to bring everyone closer together, as well as to build up their personalities in an area where I think they are currently lacking. As I mentioned in the first chapter of the series, all the characters in "Finding Love Along the Tracks" are purely fictional, and are not based on any real person or people.
2014-04-11 04:41:42 Finding Love Along the Tracks Chapter 2 - Prom's Aftermath No, I have not been to the station in Poplar Bluff, but I have spent many days at the Station in Kirkwood, Missouri. I must disagree about your station being the busiest in Missouri. That would go to Kansas City, with 4 trains to and from St. Louis and the Southwest Chief that runs from L.A. to Chicago. Been there a few times myself. Working as a courier has made me very familiar with the area, and I have tried to paint the image of the St. Louis Metro Area as best I could without being too detailed that would have taken away from the story. AS for the Railfan part, I do not expect many people here on XNXX to be familiar with the hobby. I have been questioned by the police several times while out taking pictures, and have even been forced to leave some areas, since the cops thought what I was doing was against the law since 9/11. It is legal however, and there have been several cases where railfans (Including Railfan and Railroad Magazine Editor Steve Berry) have been arrested.