Comments from Alexgleaves8

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-17 20:08:50 School girl and teacher in toilet Woah, guys, all you anon readers giving me hate for this. Come off anon you fucking pussies, stop being faggots by giving me hate. This is a good story I've been told by many people already! Just because it isn't to your liking. Crawl back into your mothers cave you fuck nuggets.
2014-08-14 16:53:36 School girl and teacher in toilet Just to let you all know this was my first ever story. There will be errors in grammar and spelling as I wrote this using an apple iPod, therefore spellcheck is not available. I posted this as a test to see if I should write more stories.
2014-04-02 16:38:47 Peeping Tom 2 My gosh! Please write more of this!