Comments from AnnaSiciliana

Date Story title Comment
2014-09-09 05:04:55 Pissing on the Zombie Bitches can lead to new encounters Dear 4chan,

I'd like to return the troll of the comment below, because it is defective. Instead of trolling as a art, it only wallows in its own bile, which is not the kind of behaviour I had ordered. I am a writer, so I expect a certain basic level of literacy, which the one you sent me is sorely lacking.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the undirected anger and desperation this specimen exhibits, though I am afraid it stems more from an impotent, sad lack of talent and imagination than from real skill and passion. However I am willing to make concessions in the rage department, as long as it is entertaining to read.

Also, this one exhibits a disturbing behaviour, addressing imaginary audiences halfway through its ramblings, as if anyone actually cares what it has to say. Please make sure that the replacement troll has a sense of reality and does not see people that are not there.

I'm afraid there is no other use for the one I'm sending back.

Sad but hopeful,
2014-09-09 04:44:49 Giving an interview with my girlfriend eating me out while I'm mindfucking the interviewer No, darling, I write them just for you, so you have somewhere to dump your incoherent and barely literate comments on. You're my only purpose in life, my sunshine on rainy days. As long as you are here, I will always write more, just to hear your golden words of wisdom.
2014-08-11 02:30:55 Reading porn at the library with the librarian between my legs And no ponies. Definitely no ponies. So sad.
2014-10-17 13:36:11 My english teacher was the first one to teach me how to fuck like a real woman Good to you.
2014-10-17 13:40:52 Teaching two teenage brats a lesson in sex with their mother What just happened?