Comments from AnnaSiciliana

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-22 12:53:50 Me and my friend introduced two teens to lesbian sex and made one of them into my piss whore This is part 2. Part 1is here:

Parts 3 and 4 are forthcoming.
2014-11-05 04:24:30 Pissing on the Zombie Bitches helps us escape from the abbey Paul, twas nice for you to step by, but you forget to take your meds, again. Peace, Anna.
2014-11-05 04:23:38 Meeting my cousin-in-law's niece and making good use of her asshole Mmh, I hope you'll clean that up afterwards, then.
2014-11-05 04:21:05 Pissing on the Zombie Bitches gets us a boat, a new friend and a whole lot of trouble Thanks. Maybe I should just make a list of comebacks instead of porn.
2014-11-05 04:19:32 Fucking a celebrity with my boyfriend at the bordello I might have a planter somewhere that you can use.