Comments from AnnaSiciliana

Date Story title Comment
2014-09-08 22:10:20 Taking Sleeping Beauty from the wolf Things wrong with grammar nazis:
1. Believing in the "right" and "wrong" writing
8. Thinking they are able to make that distinction
17. Lack of imagination
3. Pedantry
4. Lack of other discernible skills
6. Inability to distinguish good storytelling
17. Impotent rage
1. Living under a bridge
33. The nose
100. Oh yeah, and that smell... god!
2014-09-03 02:31:52 Meeting an older woman online I turned her into my virtual fuck slut as I filled both of my holes in the office All the links you ever need are in my profile.
2014-09-08 13:21:27 At a burlesque show, I fisted one of the actors and got fucked by some others in turn in front of the audience Yeah. Never. Gonna. Happen.
2014-09-08 13:25:29 Giving an interview with my girlfriend eating me out while I'm mindfucking the interviewer Judging from your attempt at commenting, you wouldn't recognize the best writing if it sat on your face and made you eat pussy, all the while hitting your balls with a stick and scream "I'm the best writing".
2014-09-08 20:22:43 Taking Sleeping Beauty from the wolf Your lack of reading skills is not my responsibility. I thought we had established that before when you tried to call every word you don't know "wrong". If you want to be a grammar nazi, impotence in and of itself is not sufficient as a qualification.