Comments from Arthur Miller_Light

Date Story title Comment
2015-01-10 04:17:10 What Happened in Vegas... @Viewer1060 Thanks for reading my story and your feedback! However, my story states the protagonist is currently 31 years old. In the second paragraph he states this story took place "a few years ago," at a time when he is 28 years old. Thanks again!
2015-01-14 01:03:46 What Happened in Vegas...Part 3_(1) @johnny rotten: Thanks for the kind words. They are much appreciated!

@djb8247: Some of the trolling and extremely lame pick-up attempts are annoying, but I'd still rather leave it open. And your observation is on point, Jason is wishy-washy. This is somewhat on purpose in that I am trying to show the struggle between his head and libido. His cousin is a hot piece of ass, but at the same time, she's his cousin and there are a lot of social conventions and cultural taboos at odds there that he's only had a couple of days to wrap his head around. Whether he continues with the same disposition remains to be seen.
2015-01-18 22:08:38 What Happened in Vegas...Part 4 @Anonymous reader I can assure the story is my own, and I can also assure you that you've not read this story on another site. I wrote the first chapter in July and posted only on this site, and the second chapter was written just a few weeks ago. I am happy that you are enjoying it, however, so thank you.