Comments from liz33nd

Date Story title Comment
2021-10-01 18:56:51 Lockdown - Daughter's Story 3 dang this is fun story
2021-10-01 19:04:12 Lockdown -Daughter's Story 4 k9 sex is so erotic and happy feeling
2021-10-01 23:29:58 Daughter Summer Update lockdown has done some amazing things to many curious people. mostly good things. some found neighbors, some k9, some BBC, all are having great sexual happenings.
2021-10-02 00:12:17 Lockdown - Daughter's Story Synopsis thanks ofr lining jup the stories, and do add more.
2021-10-03 14:32:46 Tricked By Bruce tis was a good story, just not a great one. i loved it untio the cousin caught hem, then i lost interest.