Comments from cavecrier

Date Story title Comment
2009-06-15 04:44:14 I'm cumming as much as her daddy when I read these chapters.
2010-12-08 00:35:12 I can see by your grammar that you are not a lawyer! My guess that you have a high school education, and not a very good one!
2010-12-08 01:11:10 I can see by your grammar that you are not a lawyer! My guess is that you have a high school education, and not a very good one!
2010-12-08 01:23:53 The Little Mormon Girl My only problem is that you said she looked like she was 12, then later said she was about a C cup. Doesn't compute!
2012-07-17 04:24:57 A Road Side Quicky Very, very hot! Good job.