Comments from Miniwand

Date Story title Comment
2014-06-29 23:13:02 The Best Therapy ch. 04 I also like the mother/son angle better but I have to talk about the other characters. I decided to have the grandmother, the mother and the sister involved so I have to talk about all of them. Don't worry I won't forget her.
thanks for the support guys. That what makes me write.
2014-06-22 04:00:56 The Best Therapy ch. 03 Dear readers. I'm sorry for the wait but I'm very busy at the moment preparing for an important exam and I can't work on the story. I have to put the story on the side for the moment but I'll be back in two weeks with the next chapter when the exam will be behind me.
Sorry to make you wait but I can't screw up that exam and it's a killer on work load.
2014-06-03 15:14:27 The Best Therapy ch. 03 I am writing but it takes time.
2014-05-18 13:12:01 The Best Therapy ch. 01 It's possible some people already read it because I posted my story on other sites.
I thank you all for your comments.
2014-05-18 13:17:22 The Best Therapy ch. 02 I don't think the story into domination. I want just Brad to evolve from a horny teenager to a man and for that he needs to assert himself. That's why he gets a kick out of ordering his mother and grandmother around when he can, because he is used to the other way around.