Comments from BDLong

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-04 05:57:29 Lust From Space! > Anonymous reader
> 2016-04-24 13:36:55
> Is there gonna be any follow up for this story

Possibly. I've got other things coming--the first part of a two-part haunted mansion story, most notably. It's got ghosts, zombies, orcs, magic, giant spiders, and other stuff--a little of a lot of different things. It's whimsical, but also not for the faint of heart.

I wrote this story as a one-off, but since I've received a lot of requests for a follow-up story, I might just do that. I'll have to draw up some ideas. I was thinking they might beam up Jane's Wilderness Girl troop. Maybe the story could use more men, but I'm not sure. I wrote it as a mostly all-girl story, and I have trouble writing the guy's side of things, as evidenced by "Breaking Out, Breaking In." I might try to keep it all-girl.
2016-08-12 03:42:14 Doggy Style Island: Survival Please do continue. I like your style.
2016-08-12 03:38:34 Broken by her Dog This is good for a first short-short story. You might want to break the text up into more paragraphs, though. The wall of text is kind of hard to look at.
2016-07-25 06:58:45 Taken by the dogs in the woods, pt. 1 It's all good. I hear the first dog who played Lassie was male. So Tina was pretty much boned by A Boy Named Sue. Kinda hot, if you ask me.
2016-07-29 05:46:11 The Bestiality Cop This was a good read. I think there could have been a lengthier/more descriptive payoff to the slow build-up, but other than that, this was brilliant.