Comments from jelad

Date Story title Comment
2015-01-08 08:55:44 A New Day, A New You part 5 this chapter was great, I have been waiting for him to get back to school since the first chapter. you have set the bar high for the next chapter, can't wait. one thing everyone acknowledge all his changes except his big tat. if a fat, nerd disappeared for a while and came back totally changed, I would thank someone would ask about the tat. just my 2 cents. again great job and can't wait till the next chapter.
2015-06-04 05:20:58 A New Day, A New You part 12 guys, relax. he releases long chapters and the amount of characters he has in these stories is a lot. I, for one, am amazed that he keeps them all straight. he probably has to proof read a lot. so if it takes him some time to get the chapter out give him the benefit of the doubt.
2015-06-13 02:55:31 A New Day, A New You part 12 deal with your real world problems, we will wait. hope all turns out for the good.
2015-06-22 05:24:00 A New Day, A New You part 12 take care of your family, they always come first. we may be inpatient, but we understand. hope all turns out good.
2015-07-26 06:07:55 A New Day, A New You part 13 it's sad that some people have to much time and no life. I agree with a previous poster wait and beg. also if you don't like it, then don't read it but don't try to push your beliefs on us.