2014-07-02 08:22:16 |
The girl of my dreams_(0)
My dear friends first of all I said iam in med school and I never said that I have become a full doctor or something like that I am infact yet to start with the school you all know that college starts in the autumn...I am new to this country and ya there are plenty of things I don't know as,for the pre- med degree I did a undergraduate course back in Netherlands and I can assure you that I wasn't required to write any essay or word check and I am still not fully aware about my med school coz I am yet to clear one and my knowledge is restricted about the med school in Us. |
2014-06-26 17:38:52 |
The girl of my dreams_(0)
all right people....thanks!! for the next part ill make sure that i proofread it first and yes i ackowledge the fact that there are too many mistakes................ |
2014-06-29 10:19:49 |
The girl of my dreams_(0)
Plus you idiot I didnot learn American English in my high school and in British English the word jeweler is spelled as jeweller and the spelling mistakes you all point out maybe because I used British English and not American |
2014-06-29 10:14:44 |
The girl of my dreams_(0)
Plus it suggests how ignorant you are...you know that all doctor don't prescribe medications and the field that I want radiation oncology doesn't allow me to prescribe medications plus you know even if a did prescribe you medications...and I missed a e from paracetamol the pharmacist would understand..... |
2014-06-29 10:11:22 |
The girl of my dreams_(0)
You know to get into med school you don't have to write some essay or some article to check your grasp over your spellings... Ya I admit that like any other human I too make mistakes..and you know that when you write a story this long it has to contain errors...and I in the excitement to post this erotica didnot edit or proofread it and I apologise for that but please people don't make this about me... If you got any thing to say about the story please do...but dont pester me about my life and why I can't get into med school..... |