Comments from brutusleoinc

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-04 17:31:57 The girl of my dreams_(0) Oh man please don't start with the superiority bull shit man on US the country which all of you take do much pride in almost three-fourths of the engineers..doctors and professionals come from foreign lands from third world as you call your economy is particularly run by China and your IT companies by indians.... And you know why all people wanna come to us because they already have so much competition back home... Man though long but it's easier to become a doctor in the US. And Netherlands is not a backward or third world in any way.. He'll we got a higher GDP than you and we are technically more advanced.... Man please don't feel that just because you got a better army makes you better than the whole world.
2014-07-04 17:31:41 The girl of my dreams_(0) The .it's people like you that can't tolerate others who are better than you..... I will now not reply to any of your useless ridiculous accusations about me, my proffesion or my whoever you are really what your don't like the story? Ok I couldn't care less..... You think I am an idiot! Ok think whatever you want but please don't pollute the comments section with your useless because of people like you with not an iota of grey matter in your brain that authors have to disable comments... Man whatever your problem with me is keep it to your self
2014-07-04 17:18:22 The girl of my dreams_(0) Ya I know my mbbs degree is useless in this country that is I listed myself as a med practice in Us i have to clear 3 stages of usmle.... And I have already cleared step 1 step 2ck and 2cs... Iam awaiting results for step 3 after which I can apply for residency and ecfmg is acting as my current med school... It's just on paper and legally I can still practice medicine back home.....
2014-07-03 12:08:14 The girl of my dreams_(0) Man why do you think that everything in the world runs the way it does in your country.... All right you people have a pre med school or undergraduate course of 3 or 4 years and then a med school of 4 years so summing up you people take 8 years to become doctors of medicine but in Europe Australia Asia (generaly speaking) there is a degree known aS MBBS for which you can apply after 12 grade of your high school and you go right into med school.... This degree can be earned in about 5 to 6 years( according to your region) and after which you become a full doctor and can prescribe medications...then after mbbs you can go into residency of your choice similarly it takes 5 to 6 years in our country.... So coming on to my story I have an mbbs degree or basisartsen as we call it in Dutch which is equal to your doctor of medicine....
2014-07-05 17:08:22 The girl of my dreams_(0) Man please don't start with rights and make it sound like that you people are the only democracy in the world and man you don't own the world I'll fucking go wherever I want..and do whatever I want.......and I know that all you can do is crib and bitch...because you are a fucking bitch and get a life my friend it clearly shows that you are a loner......and got nothing substantial to do in your miserable life and I did try seeing things from your point of view but I couldn't get my head that far up my ass