Comments from zxnoregretsxz69

Date Story title Comment
2014-12-17 03:04:33 Take it Easy - Chapter Three: When September Ends Thanks for all of the friendly comments; they really inspire me to keep writing. Chapter four will be out next Sunday and chapter five will the out the Sunday after that. So far, four and five are my favorite chapters, so get ready for that. As for ToucanPlay, I guess he/she can do whatever he/she wants, although it's a shame that he/she continues to dislike my stories. I appreciate ToucanPlay reading, though! At least he/she/it cares enough to leave a rating. :)

2014-12-01 15:43:17 Take it Easy - Chapter One: Schooled by a Girl Thank you to Amsterdamnson for the advice

I although I am leaning toward, their site is a little confusing. I don't know how to keep the chapters of each story together in the series.

Also, with regards to switching sites, I will definitely post the name of the new site once I figure one out. I wish that I could stay here because it's so convenient and simple, but alas, 'tis not to be.

If anyone has any questions or comments they would like me to see more directly, I always read my private messages (except when the moderators are doing "maintenance")

That's all for now
2014-12-01 21:13:25 Take it Easy - Chapter One: Schooled by a Girl The new site is (unless I find a better one)

The first chapter is up, the second will be up next week, and so on.

2014-12-01 00:07:28 Take it Easy - Chapter One: Schooled by a Girl Dear anonymous commenter,

The only reason I posted the first chapter here is because I like the community and the format. It's a shame that the moderators are cracking down on underage sex, but there's nothing I can do about that. I am willing to take suggestions for a new site; currently I am leaning toward "". I am very happy that you enjoyed my story and I hope that you will continue to do so wherever it goes.

2014-12-07 03:42:54 Cherry (chapter 2) As much as I like this story, I think you've rushed it a little. By having the characters be "in love" so early on, I feel that you've limited your options for story progression. I like the dialogue and the firefighter sections a lot, though. Good work.

P.S. "Cherry Chastain" is probably the most virginal name ever:
Cherry = hymen and Chastain = Chaste? Coincidence? I think not... ;)