Comments from thejohnnyrotten

Date Story title Comment
2014-10-21 20:25:04 Regarding "She is the One" Chapter 19 You must do what you feel you have to do After all it is your family that you feel it is in jeopardy But I think you can see That almost everyone else on this site has your back. Now if only this site would do something about banning people like this.
As always
Johnny Rotten
2014-12-03 07:18:09 Just Your Average Story IV Really enjoying this up till now. Can't wait to see what you write next. Ppp
2015-08-22 02:10:04 10 Years Chapter 3 Really enjoying the plot, sometimes get mixed up with the wording but think you're doing a great job overall. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story....
as always
johnny rotten
2014-12-11 05:36:03 A Back Rub For Julia Ch. 01 Very sexy story.....
I take it that the sisters going to get into this to somehow.
Keep up the great work.
as always
Johnny rotten
2014-10-24 22:06:37 The Battered Lamp Chapter Five: The Appetite of the Succubus From what I've read you are definitely a great writer. It takes a lot of time to put thought to page, and your characters are very believable. Please don't let the terrible things going on in this site Dissuade you from writing. That would be a terrible waste.
I look forward to reading more of your work.
As always
Johnny Rotten