Comments from tw_holt

Date Story title Comment
2015-04-10 00:44:37 Dahlia and Darren I should've used asterisks or hyphens to distinguish flash backs better. I use them in stories I wrote after this one.
2015-04-11 15:48:13 Denise's Year Previous Anon, about Wayne, yes i'm planning on killing him in a future story. He'll anger the wrong man/client, costing them millions perhaps. I've already written a story with Denise where she and Henry leave Miami for some place wonderful. that one will be published in a few months.
2015-04-16 13:09:42 Self Fulfilling Fantasy Don't feel bad for him! There's many women that'll take car of special one in particular. Stay tuned for clues in future story uploads.
2015-04-16 13:17:30 Something In The Woods I considered that. But IF they exist I picture them as a different hominid species, maybe in their own genus, different from chimps, gorillas, humans. Related yes but unable to produce offspring with us. Unless they belong to the same genus as humans (homo sapiens). They'd be homo bigfootus....hehe and might be able to breed with us similar to how different dog breeds can with each other. Who knows???? :)
2015-04-19 00:09:19 The Challenge 3: The Only Woman Thank you Kelli. Ulysses is great, but in my stories the mothers will always prefer their son or daughter over a BBC! :)