Comments from tw_holt

Date Story title Comment
2015-11-02 11:47:02 Policewomen 3: Kelly's Failure Oh don't worry about FR. If you read part 2 and read what Trina did to those guys for ruining a camping trip, then Kelly will do something similar but on a larger scale with FR's crew. As for Torrie, there's some redemption for her. Read the epilogue of Torrie's Year for hints - it'll coincide with upcoming part 4 of this series.
2015-11-01 22:58:44 Policewomen 3: Kelly's Failure Yeah I thought about having FR'S boys sodomize Wayne with a baseball bat, but wanted to focus more on Kelly etc. So I just have them letting him starve and waste away before eventually granting him death.
Part 4 will be more violent with Kelly saving her son John McClane style.
2015-11-02 21:19:49 Policewomen 3: Kelly's Failure haha, nope! I don't mind, I like it. I enjoy answering questions about my stories/characters etc.
2015-11-07 12:06:18 Policewomen 3: Kelly's Failure To previous anon. Yes, tho not an actress. Google Kelly jacobs model. Or go to search there. There's even a few pics with her having corn rows.
2015-11-18 23:57:11 Self Fulfilling Nightmare Thanks Gina. I thought about writing an extensive scene with the 7 tongues of the beast going in out of every orifice of her body, but she's a warrior and wanted to kill the thing.