Comments from StudioXPS

Date Story title Comment
2014-09-30 03:18:44 My Boy, Callum. (Part 1) Well, I think I'm already hooked on James and Callum! They could give my Blake and Ben a run for their money! I better step my game up! LoL!

Seriously, though, great story. Can't wait to read the next parts and look forward to more!

- StudioXPS (author of the Ben & Blake series)
2014-12-21 03:29:00 This Is What You Do To Me - Blake & Ben (Part 12) I'm open to any suggestions. If there's something you'd like to see, let me know and I'll try to incorporate it into the storyline.
2014-12-21 03:12:31 This Is What You Do To Me - Blake & Ben (Part 12) I'm open to any suggestions. If there's something you'd like to see, let me know and I'll try to incorporate it into the storyline.
2014-12-16 22:25:41 Not Like This - Blake & Ben (Part 12)_(2) Sorry, guys. I just really didn't know what route to go with Blake and Ben. Figured I should spice it up a bit with some major drama. Hope I didn't lose any of you as readers. Things won't end here - don't worry! I'm sure they will get back together. Or, they may not! You'll just have to tune in and read the next part when it's up! ;)

Thanks for the comments and feedback. Negative or positive, I appreciate it. Thank you!
2014-09-08 10:56:57 See You In Gym Class - Blake & Ben (Part 1) Thanks you, BibiMikey and VanillaNightt for the kind words. As I type this, Ben and Blake (Part 2) is now posted and waiting for you to read. You may need some tissues to clean up on this one. ;)