Comments from DarkAngelsKnight

Date Story title Comment
2016-07-29 03:00:09 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 7 I've mentioned storiesonline before and except for 3 authors on AFF and you on here, It's the only site I read on. There are a large number of excellent authors there, I've heard very little complaints about it's set up, and have personally nothing that shows that they cater to sensitive souls that can't seem to just skip a story that affects their delicate sensibilities...seriously if you don't like it don't read it...ummm ok sidetracked sorry heh..Soooo yeah give it a shot. ^_^
2016-07-29 03:24:20 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 7 Oh also while I am not sure how they set it up I do know that on Storiesonline (dot net) you can submit in bulk and have them post a chapter every two days (or whenever presumably). Ok that was my last plug for my favorite site I promise heh.
2016-08-03 01:37:15 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 8 Great chapter as usual P.O.I , Keep it up.
2016-09-17 15:16:13 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 8 Sorry to hear that P.O.I. I hope you get that worked out.
2016-09-23 08:06:30 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 9_(1) Glad they finally posted it man, great job as always. Good luck with your living situation.