Comments from morg1284

Date Story title Comment
2014-10-25 14:58:32 Jack and Jessie Ch. 4 Thanks for the comments. I assure you all that the other shoe will drop with Amy and the group. Redeployed back home, and my family has been priority número uno. Can't wait to finish this out. Keep reading, you pervs!
2015-08-18 14:25:28 Stephanie - Just When Things Turned Around Pt. 2 To the last comment: I am currently working on it. However, I haven't had the time available. I am finishing up an army training rotation, so things have been very hectic and fast paced. Thank you for the interest, and I hope to have it out in a few days.
2015-08-14 18:40:35 Divorcee Becomes a Bitch You would be amazed at what is missed when these are done on a cell phone, or how many times autocorrect makes you look like an illiterate asshole. Oh well. I'll be sure to look through a couple more times before posting next time. Thank you.
2015-08-14 15:10:37 Divorcee Becomes a Bitch To the rather incensed anonymous reader, this is a work of fiction. Says so in the tags. It also states in the tags that there is a theme of bestiality. That means 1) this is all made up, and 2) your situational awareness is worse than Hellen Keller's, seeing as I told you it was there, and you failed to notice.

To everyone else, thank you for the comments. Wasn't planning on a series with this one, as I already have two running at the moment.
2014-10-06 15:44:58 The House Wife Chronicles Not bad for first time. If you are concerned with typing it on a phone, type it up on your computer, spell and grammar check, then copy and paste it into the block when you are on the submission page. That's how I've done the stories I put on here.