Comments from LonesomeLad

Date Story title Comment
2014-12-11 07:51:36 A Back Rub For Julia Ch. 03 Well done. Very well written, only a few minor errors that could be easy to miss on a first reading. I like how you are developing the characters and the plot not simply glossing over the buildup between sex scenes. Only major negative thing I have to say is that Toucan needs to get a life and stop down-voting every story that gets posted. This is very good work for someone with so few texts posted. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work and seeing how your writing evolves.

2014-10-20 07:09:15 Until we meet again :) If someone would kindly let me know privately where to find the new story location I would greatly appreciate it. My account hasn't been validated yet so I can't pm Jashley myself. I find it very sad when such talented writers are forced to relocate through the bad actions of others.
2015-05-07 02:16:40 My new life: Moving In Great first (of hopefully many) story! Good pacing and buildup, your humor and dialogue are well written and the climax was definitely worth the wait.

You write very well, your formatting is good and very few errors. The few I noticed were minor and all things that could be easily missed on a quick read through. All in all a great first impression! Hope to see more of your work soon.

2015-10-07 06:41:25 Becky's Marine chapter 10 I don't typically log in to comment or vote but I am thoroughly enjoying this story so far and if my votes can cancel out some of the spiteful votes that ToucanPlay is always throwing out and keep you on the top stories list where you belong then I feel my votes are going to a good cause. Keep up the good work.
2015-10-14 06:13:51 ABDUCTION OF KATIE Good plot and relatively well written. There were a few errors here and there but on the whole I'd say you're doing very well. I would suggest that a proof reader or editor would go quite a way to making you one of the best writers on here at the moment.

Keep up the good work