Comments from Terminix

Date Story title Comment
2014-11-18 03:12:53 Mercilessly Raped By Two Dogs Since apparently these small things prevent people from enjoying it, I changed the story a bit.
2014-12-07 18:32:39 Fate's Calling (Chapter 1) I write these stories in one sitting, so sorry for the short length and errors readers.
2014-12-07 18:31:48 Fate's Calling (Chapter 1) Thanks for the feedback. I corrected some errors that you mentioned, and changed the speech a little more formal and took out some words they might not use back in that time. If that's your definition of more authentic, good, but if not, I'm sorry. As for the memory loss and other stuff, that will be explained in future chapters.
2014-12-13 05:57:21 Fate's Calling (Chapter 2) Thank you for the feedback, I realize that those items have not been invented yet now, but I don't think it really matters that much as this is basically a sex story. I was wondering if you readers want me to continue the story or just wrap it up. I am swinging towards the latter option right now.
2014-11-02 21:20:04 It's Not Rape If You Enjoy It I reposted this because the website wouldn't allow me to edit my story.