Comments from mature gina

Date Story title Comment
2016-12-28 19:09:17 Bird Watching_(0) Cute story. ;-)
2016-06-16 15:44:54 OFFICE NERD 2 I thought the relationship between Mary and Bruce was a bit too formal at first and I didn't consider the "nerd" factor. I thought it was a very good story and enjoy reading your work...Gina :)
2016-12-12 15:50:06 My slutty secretary Pt1 I liked it and can tell you put some effort into writing this unlike some authors. I look forward to reading more of your work. :)
2016-06-19 05:20:44 The Babysitter_(6) This was short but sweet and actually after one babysitting experience it turned into some girl/girl fun with the Mom. I wish I was talented enough to write like you do James because I have a journal filled things from my past escapades.
2016-06-19 06:29:06 COUNTRY GIRL 2 I enjoyed it but I did laugh and cry while reading it. My niece believes sex is for reproduction and not for pleasure which made me think of Adda. She lives in West Virginia which may keep that hillbilly thought embedded in her brain.