Comments from stevers

Date Story title Comment
2014-12-15 03:44:50 An incest birthday chapter 14 I can't influence the story but still like to leave my thoughts. Mom should narrate the next chapter. She knows the most. A guess, Steph and Chris's mom knows about them as lovers. So Mom should know too. The 3 MILF's may be lovers. That means the Wilsons have to be a part of the story.
As a swinger/Lifestyle Rita should lighten up. Her jealousy is bad for ANY relationship.
2014-12-23 21:06:23 Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake21-24 Very hot!! I'm very hot. I'd cheat LOL As my hand went in the bag, I'd ball up one pair and palm it. I get one pair he gets one pair. The guys don't know who's is who's so, the girls chose. A win win
2014-12-14 23:10:53 An incest birthday chapter 13 Back on track. Almost lost me a few chapters back. Good job.
2014-12-12 09:10:05 Luck and Love: XIV Is this the end? if so. you added too much detail in the last couple chapters. What happens with his sister,her mother? Why the details on his fathers family? Who is this cousin, why is she here? Maybe Zoe is Bi and her family are swingers?That might tie your story together. Zoe needs to tell her side of the story. Just my thoughts. I loved your story, I hope there is more. Steve
2014-12-24 15:47:30 Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake Chapt 28-35 Where is the rest of this story? Is it written? How do I find it if it is?
Loved it, great story.