Comments from Redthorn

Date Story title Comment
2016-06-16 04:53:36 12Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Jeez, seven comments and you guys are just arguing about the story? C'mon guys! Look the story was good, no doubt about that, but J.K made a few mistakes. YES harry was a horcrux. YES he did actually die for a short period of time. Does it really matter right now?NO! Why does it not? Because this is a FANFICTION!!! Which means certain things are not going to be completly accurate. Now that that is settled, can we please go back and talk about how good and funny this story is?
2016-06-21 06:10:26 Summer Vacation – Naughty Teacher Very nice, kinda rushed and totally unrealistic, but then again,thats what makes it w fantasy story eh? Overall this was a great story and could easiliy be turned ito a sries with the right kinda of thinking and imagination, like i said before tho, it seems a bit rushed. Next time try taking your time and develop your chaactets a little more m'okay?
2017-02-26 01:45:01 The Mercenary's Shadow Ch.3 Okay I'm getting tired of the whole plagiarism schtick. YES I am the original author, if you have any doubts please PM me at any time. If you don't want to thank please: sit down, shut up and actually enjoy a book for once in your life. Now, to those of you who actually like this series, I will post the remaining chapters and will consider continuing the storyline. Please pardon my previous tone and my hitasus and continue to R&R
2017-07-18 19:46:30 The Cheerleader Harem: Part 1 Not bad, but the scenes could use a bit more detail, the characters could as well. It was also a bit fast paced, though that can be excused for the fact that it was a party. Other than that, this is a pretty decent start