Comments from Theresas Lover

Date Story title Comment
2020-11-20 01:09:59 My Lactating Aunt Pt. 01 Waiting patiently for part 2, loved the first one
2020-11-13 09:08:12 My Sister In Law Beth - Conclusion GREAT STORY, the thing I loved about it was that it was so believeable. Nice how you broke it down into many chapters, which was great for me because if I read too long I get a serious headache. 1 of the top 5 I have read on here
2021-08-29 13:02:24 Me, My Girlfriend, and Her Mom: Part 3 great story, but a bit far fetched as no one can cum that many times with a single hardon
2021-10-07 00:54:55 me and my best friend molly out of curiousity, have any of these people who write these stories ever attended school at all?

2021-10-07 02:35:31 MOM X THREE so in the beginning you had NO PANTIES on, nut as the story progresses you say down the panties come. In a story this short how the hell could you screw it up that much