Comments from MatthewGordan123321

Date Story title Comment
2015-02-10 01:04:04 Saving mommy's marriage best story ever.its so detailed and it deserves to be on the front page.and earlier in the comments anonymous asswipe deserves to be banned off the site for such an insult.
2015-02-11 01:25:25 Sharing a shower with Mom GLORY HOLE:when i was a teen i saw glory holes 1 a month.i sucked cock and it was amazing.good story that relates with my life squattingeagle
2015-02-15 04:13:47 Harry Potter NR.1_(2) wouldnt expect to find this on a sex website but i agree with l
Vvery well written and a better story than the actual one. i like how dolores went to azkaban and potter place was new and interesting.
i hope for more
2015-02-15 04:33:56 Gas Station Rape 1: Perveted Discoveries @anonymous reader
2013-08-03 02:22:57
you are anasty preverted raper.thumbs down to your comment
the story was just crossing the fucking line.
i was like hell no!