Comments from shellpelt

Date Story title Comment
2015-03-07 15:38:10 Memories of the ex-wife Don't get negative reviews. I've read a ton of stories on here, some badly written, some weird, and I still never gave them a negative review, because I appreciate the effort. My story is true, and not badly written. If it's not your thing, move on, but a negative review? Sorry, don'tvget it.
2015-03-11 16:01:57 Memories of the ex-wife How this story gets negative reviews, I don't understand. Think I figured it out. Every time I start to get near the top of the ratings, I get negatives. Pretty sad if all the incest story tellers, at the top, are worried about other stories being there. I have never given anyone a negative review. I'm neither that mean, nor that petty. Get a life, and quit calling your obvious fantasies, true stories.
2015-03-12 16:25:16 Sharing my girlfriend_(1) Lol, it's coming.
2015-03-14 12:58:47 Memories of the ex-wife Last comment, really????!!!!!!
Proves my point about the negative rating losers. Creepy little fuckers.
2015-03-19 02:51:07 Sharing my girlfriend_(1) They are the real names, you moron.