Comments from Daniel D

Date Story title Comment
2015-03-18 23:58:15 Kelly and her son Daniel If viewers like this story I will continue it along side other stories I am working on. It will either receive a weekly or bi-weekly posting schedule.
2015-03-19 00:12:53 Kelly and her son Daniel Yes they got married after graduation, I hope you realize that people have sex before marriage correct?
2015-03-19 01:37:21 Kelly and her son Daniel I'm not going to ruin the whole story because someone can't see what's right in front of them. Yes she would of had the child at 16 and yes Kelly and Rob met in college. Let's see captain obvious can you match anything else up with those two pieces of information now that they are next to each other?!? Once again I'm not going to ruin the whole story to shut you up but, it's pretty obvious why the child's age and the mothers marriage don't add up.
2015-03-19 02:29:46 Kelly and her son Daniel I'm not going to ruin the whole story because someone can't see what's right in front of them. Yes she would of had the child at 16 and yes Kelly and Rob met in college. Let's see captain obvious can you match anything else up with those two pieces of information now that they are next to each other?!? Once again I'm not going to ruin the whole story to shut you up but, it's pretty obvious why the child's age and the mothers marriage don't add up.
2015-03-19 03:51:55 Kelly and her son Daniel Well it seems most of the viewers enjoyed this and being that part 2 is already halfway writen I will upload it this Friday between 8-10pm Eastern time.