Comments from Deb21483

Date Story title Comment
2015-04-30 23:52:25 My 4th time as a hotwife_(0) Hi Gina-
:) Not sure how I came across saying anyone was better than the other?
My husband knows that sometimes sex can be much different, but better is not a word I would use. In most cases I cum harder with my husband after I have fucked another man. I am lucky as my husband really gets into me after I have had sex with another man.
2015-04-28 21:59:22 My second time as a Hotwife I find it very funny that someone could come to this website full of all kinds of Kink and judge anyone..... LOL, I find it very funny.

Haters are going to hate.

2015-04-28 22:31:08 My second time as a Hotwife All,
I would have no problem with my husband being with other people, or even one of my friends if they were in a swinger life style. As long as there is no lies, and no one gets their feeling hurt, I feel this is all good. But, so far, my husband has stated he has no desire to have sex with anyone else but me. So, we belive that make me a hotwife. he has shared that he wanted to watch, and that would make him a cuckhold, and that has happened a few time were he watched, a few times where he hids in a closet and watches, and other times where he has been in the room.
2015-04-28 22:54:50 My second time as a Hotwife LOL, wow.... I thought if I left this open it might be a train wreck. This all started as my husbands needs. Everything to date has been his idea. I was not sure I would even like this lifestyle, but now see I do. he has never played the sub, in fact, he has been so much more the dom now when i come home, or after having sex with another man.

Haters going to hate......
2015-04-28 23:40:38 My second time as a Hotwife Clearly you have no idea what a "hotwife" is. Look up "hotwife". It has nothing to do with looks, but I will tell you I am great looking, and feel very good about how I look. I don't need fake tits, I don't look like I eat fast food everyday, and at 32 am in my prime.

But this is a sex story website, and kink is why most are here for. I don't need to resort to name calling. Only weak need to do that.

Cheers all, Deb.