Comments from Deb21483

Date Story title Comment
2015-04-29 00:02:20 My second time as a Hotwife Gina-
This is a sex site, no one could get me upset. I was wondering what would happen if I left the comments open.

When it comes to my husband, we are best friends, we still make time for vactions with each other. We still have "our" time. But after finding out one of our best freind couples were swingers he just started getting more kinky. He knows I may have really good sex with another man. But, i always come home to him. No lies, no cheating, just what makes us feel good. We have a summer house down in the keys were we keep our boat, we still find time for just the two of us to be in love.

Cheers, Deb :)
2015-04-29 02:17:51 My second time as a Hotwife Gina-
All's good.
2015-04-29 02:23:01 My second time as a Hotwife LOL, I never said this was a swing lifestyle, but my husband heard that our friends were swingers gave him the idea of us being more open. He then read about the "hotwife" lifestyle. He is 34 and not old at all. In fact, he is a great guy and a great lover. I just thought more people had heard of the "hotwife" lifestyle. And, he has never gone down on my and eaten another mans sperm. He only likes to have sex with me after me being with another man. I know many won't understand this, and we don't care. He reads all my post hear and my stories. We know there will be haters here as they can hind behind being Anonymous big mouths.
Deb :)
2015-04-29 11:22:23 My third time as a hotwife Gina-
I have never had much desire to be with another woman. Not sure why :). Later in my lifestyle I tried to get my husband to join in, but thats not his thing. I do like being with two men at the same time, which did happen later, and I will write about that someday.

Cheers, Debbie