Comments from Feynman15

Date Story title Comment
2016-07-19 19:52:37 A Taste of What's to Come Part 5_(0) Anon, not exactly what I envisioned for Ananya, but yeah she's sexy. It was hard to find someone who looked like what I pictured in my mind, but I searched around and found that a younger version of Deepika Padukone was somewhat close
2016-07-24 01:51:12 A Taste of What's to Come Part 5_(0) Anon, I appreciate the comment. I've heard from quite a few of you a desire to up the dirty scale. Most of what I write comes from what would turn me on personally, so that's the way I operate when making the stories in the first place. But I think the request has been so "across-the-board" that I'm going to do it! I'm not sure if it'll be in the upcoming 'United Nations of Ass' story or the one after that. But I'll try my best to satisfy! Thx 4 reading
2017-03-22 16:10:37 A Taste of What's to Come Part 6A Just so you readers know, I WILL be continuing the second half of this story, Part 6B. It should be up in the next month or so! Hope you enjoy
2018-01-01 16:26:03 Sibling Bonding Over Spring Break - Ch. 1 "A New Experience" Very very good!
2018-02-12 23:10:02 How I met Jane Yes please continue