Comments from Fraze

Date Story title Comment
2019-09-13 06:29:52 Exhibitionist Sister - Chapter 10 *Raises hand*
Guilty as charged...

But I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. Yea, it was a bit cliche, but I'm fine with it from how welll it was written. This was more of a teaser than a chapter if compared to the other. Nonetheless, I'm content with it.

Also, that cliffhanger... My boy B bout to get luckyyyy!

Already anxiously waiting for the next chapter.
2020-03-07 19:48:27 Exhibitionist Sister - Chapter 11_(1) Doesn't look like there'll be a continuation. 2 months since the Author has responded to any messages on their series. I was sooo looking forward to the continuation. I've reread this series quite a few times and it's always been just as good as the first time.
2020-03-11 05:34:41 Skeletons in my Closet Loved, looking forward to more!

SamScamCam @ g mail . com